Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One week!

I met with Dr. Lindsey today, and she suggested a few changes to my PowerPoint and KY presentation. I have to add blank slides, add new slides to spread out the information, and make a few changes to my activities. She also gave me the task of creating observation checklists. I made three of them, and we are going to go over them on Friday to make sure they are perfect.

To get organized, I have moved all of my files onto my NZRT flash drive. I am also securing the last minute items I need. I  received  the backpack backpack I ordered online which will serve as my personal item. My dad is going to buy me travel shampoo. deodorant, toothpaste, etc. and the Ziplock bag to store it in.

I am really looking forward to our Friday meeting where we will tie up all of our loose ends. It is still raining in Morehead, so I'm anxious for New Zealand weather!

7 days!!!

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